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Kavita Sant

Tribute to Our Founder Member

Dr. Kavita Sant ( 1946- 2020)

Dr. Kavita Sant born in Nanakana Sahib (undivided India) in 1946. She graduated as a Medical Doctor in the class of 1965 at the government medical College, Rohtak. She chose Dr. Sant Prakash Singh as her husband in 1971 and was happily married to him ever since. She was the founding doctor of Jiwan Nursing Home ( fondly called Babe Da Hospital) in Jalalabad(west), dist Ferozepur, where she served as a key doctor for about 20 years.

She played a key role in the establishment of the Indus Hospital in 2002, Indus Super Specialty Hospital-2008, Indus Hygiea in -2011, Team mother for Africa Medical Team in 2011, Indus International Derabassi in -2015, Indus Fatehgarh Hospital in -2018, Francistown Academic Hospital 2020. She lived a simple, contended, well-balanced life.

One cannot say that she was here yesterday but today there is a vacuum because great souls remain eternal and alive with us throughout. Her love and concern for patients and staff had been par excellence.

She will forever be remembered & celebrated for her powerful intellect, inclusive heart & having been a wonderful example of Indian Womanhood. Even though she is not with us in his physical form, her presence can be felt through her blessings in our entire endeavor.


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Dr. Urvashi Makan Singh



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Dr. Sant Prakash Singh


Promoter & Chairman, Indus Healthcare

Dr. S P Singh, the visionary founder - Chairman of Indus Healthcare, dedicated the earlier years of his life to bringing quality medical treatment and care within the economic and geographic reach of millions in the rural areas of Punjab. He began his career as a medical professional in 1965, completed his MBBS from the prestigious Government Medical College, Amritsar; MS from the world-renowned Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGI), and worked as a Senior Medical Officer (SMO) with Punjab Civil Medical Services for nearly 30 years. Dr S. P. Singh envisioned the concept of providing Quality Healthcare Services at an Affordable Cost when he founded Jiwan Nursing home in Jalalabad in 1988, which proved to be the foundation stone of INDUS HEALTHCARE as it stands today – a top quality healthcare group.

Our Leadership

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Mr. Gulwinder Singh


General Manager - KS Pharma

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Dr. SPS Bedi

(MBBS, MD (Anesthesia)

Director – Clinical Services

Dr. Bedi, a renowned and reputed Anesthesiologist and Critical Care Specialist, started his career as Assistant Professor of Anesthesia & ICU at the prestigious PGIMER, Chandigarh. He did his Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Management from the National Health and family welfare Institute; a PG Diploma in Medical law & Ethics from Prestigious National Law School Bangalore,a course in Healthcare innovation and entrepreneurship from Duke University, Durham; a Course in Design & Interpretation of Clinical Trials from John Hopkins University and Healthcare Leadership course from University of New South Wales, Australia. Also, he completed his MBA course in Healthcare (HMP) at world renowned Indian School of Business (Popularly known as ISB).

At Indus Healthcare he has been playing a pivotal role in strengthening the group through his expert advice on Business strategy, Positioning and segmentation and expansion planning.


Our Leadership




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Mr. Sandeepn Beri


Senior Vice President - Business Development

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Col. Anoop Srivastva


Senior Vice President - Legal & Clinical Trials

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Mr. Ashwani Karwal


Senior Vice President - Diagnostic Services/Homecare

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Mr. Sandeepn Beri


Senior Vice President - Business Development


Dynamic professional offering of over 2 decades of experience of working with Global Exposure in Sales and Marketing, Operations, General administration, strategic planning, market plan execution, Key account management, presales, computer and market analysis, resource planning across pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and hospital sectors. He applied innovative and customized marketing and communication strategies aimed at increasing customer acquisition, penetration, and revenue generation, ensuring that lead inflow, quality of leads, assignment, and coasters versions ratios were monitored and corrective measures were taken, and collaborated with cross-functional teams on product value propositions, marketing communication for projects. Passionate about developing new business initiatives, exploring and nurturing unconventional ideas, new therapies and breakthroughs in Healthcare.


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