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Dr. Harbans Bansal (MBBS, MS, MCH)


Urology Specialists

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About Doctor

Dr. Harbans Bansal has Performed endoscopic procedures such as percutaneous nephrolithotomy (pcnl), ureteroscopic lithotripsy(URSL), Transurethral removal of the prostate (TURP), Transurethral removal of bladder tumor ( TURBT), Retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS), BNI, TURED, Endopyelotomy, PUV fulgration, ureterocele incision. Performed open procedures including extended pyelolithotomy, pyeloplasty,simple nephrectomy, radical nephrectomy, ureterolithotomy, ureteric reimplantation, cystolithotomy, extrophy & hypospadias repair. Performed vesicovaginal fistula repair, Radical cysto-prostatectomy, Retrograde prostatectomy,urethroplasty including substitution urethroplasty, Penectomy with ilio inguinal node dissection.

Doctor Available at

Indus Super Speciality Hospital

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